A Mexican Crossing Lines – Reel Idiots Part 1

A Mexican Crossing Lines – June 8, 2017 “Reel Idiots” Part 1

Since the release of Tiger Swan documents, many Standing Rock Live Streamers have been scurrying to distance themselves from any implication that they might be exposed as operatives and infiltrators. They can run, but they cannot hide, especially since they keep on exposing themselves through “Reel Idiot” Live Streams.

In this show, A Mexican Crossing Lines exposes the lies and deceit of Edmund Higgins III, Netizens for progress “Four things that happened at Camp”, and the Bismarck Tribune.  This show analyses the propaganda machine that has been used to keep the Kathleen Bennett case out of the news and keep her incarcerated in the Morton County jail for crimes she did not commit.  #FreeKathleenBennett


Listen to The Archive Program Here: (Note, Audio Podcasts are edited recordings of FB Live videos and are not necessarily what is broadcasted on the air on the radio station):

Down Load Link


FaceBook Live Video of this Show Before Broadcasting (Note, FB Live videos are pre-recorded and then edited properly for radio Broadcasts on the air):


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1 Comment

  1. I was so upset after learning of this just this spring. I wrote a whole big post and said that there were infiltrators, and i kept up with everything that was leaked from Intercept with regard to TigerSWAN. and from that point on, I kept saying on every post, no matter the subject matter, #FREE KATHLEEN BENNETT. Lots of people kept saying #Free Red Fawn and i always put my little hashtag. There were a few people accusing not necessarily me, but im sure yes, people in general about trying to bring division into the movement. One day I put out a big post starting with a lil half poem about Kathleen should be able to spend time with her mother because of poor health, who knows how long she will be able to? Not one comment. I started to call and talk to you one day i was so uupset about all this and i could tell no one was going to add anything to the story. Im from Mississippi but have been part of all this movement since last year.


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