More Info About KPPP-LP FM
KPPP-LP FM on the Air at 88.1 on Your FM Dial!
Communities of color, particularly in the Fargo-Moorhead area, often do not see themselves reflected with authenticity in traditional media—whether as consumers, owners or operators. The People’s Press Project will lead the Fargo-Moorhead area in the design and implementation of a grassroots, community-owned FM radio station. Relationship building and facilitated media justice training workshops will give undeserved individuals the tools of the trade.
This project focuses on creating programming and engages the community in understanding communication rights. This work teaches multi-media skills to traditionally disenfranchised communities (immigrants, new Americans, communities of color, LGBTQ, people with disabilities, youth, blue collar and working poor, rural communities, single parent households, homeless, elderly, etc.), as well as students, nonprofits, small businesses, artists, and new journalists. Having a radio station combined with the training program puts community members in the driver’s seat of their own media production and ownership.
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The People’s Press Project
The People’s Press Project (also known as PPP) is a Fargo-Moorhead based nonprofit that was created in April 2010 to assist community organizations and individuals in Fargo-Moorhead to develop media, writing and public communication skills. We researched the services in the community and found that there was little access to training that would develop media literacy and writing skills in other nonprofits. The project began to offer free training in effective writing, press releases, public relations, video production, website development and social networking. The PPP developed trainings that were offered free to nonprofit organizations, college students, low income individuals and any member of the community that wanted to learn how to produce their own media to inform the public about their organizational efforts or stories in their lives and community. We developed a very effective program that not only offered access to training, but also access to equipment and strategic opportunities to develop media through independent news sources, social networks and through the web.