A Mexican Crossing Lines July 10, 2017 “Flash Backs”
A Mexican Crossing Lines goes deep into the past to cover the connections between people who are responsible for the framing of Kathleen Bennett and the kidnapping of her elder mother that almost resulted in her death in St. Alexis hospital in Bismarck, ND.
Some of the characters covered in this report are: Veterans Stand for Standing Rock :: Ed Higgins
:: Micheal Markus :: Myron Dewey :: Loreal Black Shawl :: Bill Running Fisher:: J ames Armontrout
Listen to an audio podcast of the show here: (Note, Audio Podcasts are edited recordings of FB Live videos and are not necessarily what is broadcasted on the air on the radio station):
(This show has not been broadcasted on the air at this time)
FaceBook Live Video of this Show Before Broadcasting (Note, FB Live videos are pre-recorded and then edited properly for radio Broadcasts on the air):
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