A Mexican Crossing Lines: Army Corps of Engineers
:: Forgiveness March to Morton County Police Station
:: Red Owl Legal condemns illegal actions of Morton County
:: Morton County requested the letter by Army Corps
:: TYT Politics Interview with ACE spokesperson in DC: Gene Pollock
Listen To Our Archived Show Here:
Links: Red Owl Legal Collective Condemns illegal actions of Morton County
Tribal Administrative Hearings: PUBLIC NOTICE
Nov. 4, 2016 – Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Administrative Conference Rooms 1-4pm
Nov 9, 2016- Prairie Knights Casino 1-4pm
Nov 21, 2016- Grand River Casino 4-8pm
Nov.22, 2016 – Prairie Knights Casino 4-8 pm
Public comment will be received and recorded to address public concerns for the environment and the potential impacts to the drinking water, tribal wildlife, natural resources, spiritual, historical, and cultural sites of Standing Rock by processes and approvals of federal agency permits, environmental justice, issues in project planning, large industrial projects, and the national environmental policy acts, project’s impacts on safe drinking water, air quality and tribal water rights. Written comment will be received postmarked until Dec. 5, 2016 at Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. ATTN: Hearing on the Environment. PO BOX D, Fort Yates, ND 58538 or Email to Allyson Twobears at atwobears@standingrock.org
Re: Morton County arrests/donations Linda Black Elk posted: So in case you haven’t heard, North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple said that he wants to charge people who are donating to the #NoDAPL effort with “supporting an unlawful activity.” I think it is HILARIOUS! What is he going to do? Charge the Episcopal Church? Charge the City of Seattle? Charge the entire cast of the Justice League?
He has lost his mind. He is seriously mentally ill…the blind emperor leading his blindly-believing public. North Dakota’s government and its law enforcement are on the WRONG side of history, and their racist minions will go down in history as the people who attacked prayerful Native Americans who are just trying to protect Mother Earth from further destruction.
I hope that this will only solidify your efforts to help us. I hope that you will consider your donations to be public service, because our cause is just and the people have good hearts. Stand strong with us!
North Dakota…#MississippiOfTheNorth.
Lots of people ask, “What can I do?” They can’t go to Standing Rock but they want to help. Well, here is something simple, but the truth is MOST PEOPLE WON’T DO THIS SIMPLE THING! I challenge all of my friends list. It isn’t that hard to pick up the phone and make a call. Chose this moment to be YOUR moment to DO SOMETHING. Make these phone calls and tell them to STOP the Dakota Access Pipeline and the abuse by Morton County:
White House 202-456-1111 or 202-456-1414.
North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple 701-328-2200.
Morton County Sheriff’s Department 701-667-3330.
Army Corps of Engineers 202-761-5903.
Lee Hanse Executive Vice President Energy Transfer Partners 210-403-6455.
Glenn Emery Vice President Energy Transfer Partners 210-403-6762.
Michael (Cliff) Waters Lead Analyst Energy Transfer Partners 713-989-2404.
Listening to you in the UK, sharing your posts from Standing Rock, sending donations and prayers to you in this dark hour. I’m astonished at your strength, your forgiveness and your power. Don’t give up. The world is watching!