Podcast #15: Talk Shows, Television, News

KPPP-LP FM RadioTalk Shows, Television, News

KPPP-LP FM Podcasts

This Podcast was recorded  on 8/11/2015

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Talk Shows, Television, News


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Conan Obrien and Trump Ovulation test

“If you kick every Latino out of this country, then who is going to be cleaning your toilet, Donald Trump? In that sense that, you know what I mean?” Here is the clip:

1 Comment

  1. I’m so glad you are discussing the views of KVLY and the blatant bias they spew in the guise of “news”. We have an objective news desert here in the Red River Valley. It’s a vacuum, and so many in our community are frogs in a simmering pot. The bigoted biased are leading the blind. Thank goodness for your shows, they are an infusion of technicolor.


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