Podcast #48: Hypocrisy at its Finest

Hypocrisy at its FinestHypocrisy at its Finest

This Podcast was recorded  on 10/02/2015

Today we’re talking about: Hypocrisy at its Finest  

Today we have a special guest!
He’s been on our show before and tonight he’s making his second appearance: Welcome to Avi Blackmore!

Tonight we’re talking about:
:: Trump pretends to read the Bible
:: Ahmed builds a clock gets arrested, white kids builds nuclear reactor gets DHS aid.

If you have a comment, suggestion or feedback about our programming and station, call our message line at 701-566-0917. You can also send an email to either cindy@kpppfm.com orduke@kpppfm.com

Listen to the show here.

Sources related to story:


Donald Trump Compares Bible to Incredible Movie and Cites Bogus Verse

Ahmed builds clock gets arrested, white kid builds nuclear reactor, gets DHS help

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