A Mexican Crossing Lines – May 21, 2018 “Shifty and Shady”
Discussion on Shady People Connected to Trump plus More…
Chuck Johnson, a alt-right troll who’s been banned from Twitter and accused of Holocaust denying and white nationalism. Charles Johnson and Mike Cernovich boasted of obtaining a document that would put a senator out of a job.
GOP operative Roger Stone for the second time said he was preparing a lawsuit against Twitter, and this time he said that Milo Yiannopoulos will join him. Meanwhile, a high-ranking Beltway source claims that a prominent Republican member of Congress is getting ready to call for congressional hearings into alleged discrimination against conservatives on the part of Twitter, YouTube, Google and more.
Gavin McInnes emerges as one of the main leaders of the so-called alt-lite, one faction on the far-right spectrum of politics that believes in the threat of “white genocide;” maintains that Islam and Muslims endanger “Western” civilization; attacks feminism and women’s rights; and denigrates immigrants who are not white.
Former White House intern Jack Breuer held up a ‘white power’ sign during a photo-op with President Trump and fellow interns in the East Room in November
Breuer made the same gesture that alt-right protesters made at Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, along with Richard Spencer and Milo Yiannopoulos
The sign only works if made with the right hand. It is said to depict the letter ‘W’ with the outstretched fingers, and a ‘P’ with the circle
A fellow intern told DailyMail.com: ‘Jack’s a good kid and is probably doing it as a joke. Some people do consider it a joke because it is the OK sign’
Breuer, an Emory University alum in his early 20s, worked for Stephen Miller, the president’s senior advisor for policy for four months starting in September.
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Hashtags: #TrumpTrash #DoxingRacists #TimesUp4Nazis #Reddit #ParadisePapers #DrainTheSwamp
An Open Letter to White People on the Eve of Their Wake Up Call
Reddit: There are a lot of Shady People Connected to Trump
Stephen Miller, Duke, Donald Trump
Shaun King Black Lives Matter
Gateway Pundit Cassandra Fairbanks Article on Kanye West
Elle: Kanye retweeted Men’s rights Activists
OK SYMBOL- Know Your Memes
Michael Cohen took cash from Oligarch connected firm
Peter Thiel: Gawker
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