A Mexican Crossing Lines – The Moorhead Human Rights Commission

A Mexican Crossing Lines alt w stick figureKPPP-LP 88.1 FM’s talk show
A Mexican Crossing Lines

A Mexican Crossing Lines:
Today we are talking about:

The Moorhead Human Rights Commission

On Monday, April 25 at 5:30 PM, the Moorhead City Council will be “Discussing” The Moorhead Human Rights Commission. This is an important meeting to decide the fate of the Moorhead Human Rights Commission. Listen to the show and get involved in furthering Human Rights in our community.

Join us at Moorhead City Hall on Monday, April 25 at 5:30 PM. Go to the North Side of Moorhead Center Mall and take the elevator to the first floor and show your support and make your voice heard at the meeting.

Mexicans and Indigenous people living in Moorhead, MN have suffered with discrimination for many decades and the problem is only getting worse. We can’t afford to lose our Human Rights Commission. Come to the meeting at Moorhead Center Mall Monday April 25, at 5:30 PM. Raise your voice.‪#‎SaveOurCommission‬

Necesitamos tener una Commission de Derechos Humanos robusta en Moorhead, no una con menos poder y responsabilidades. Ya bastante hemos sufrido descriminacion y racismo en Moorhead. Vengan a la junta del Concilio de la Ciudad de Moorhead el lunes 25 de abril a las 5:30 PM. Haganles saber que vamos a ‪#‎SalvarLaComisión‬

Listen to the Archived Show Here:
The Moorhead Human Rights Commission


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