A Mexican Crossing Lines – April 1, 2019 “Suspected Caravan Organizers Coordinators and Media”
Tonight on A Mexican Crossing Lines:
Arrests, Visas cancelled and interviews at the border.
:: Arrested:
- Nery Martinez Moreno, Organizer Honduras
- Josael Alvarenga Romero, Instigator, El Salvador
- Larry Salinas Pineda, Instigator, Honduras
- Louden Aurelio Reyes, Instigator, Guatemala
- Enrique Rodriguez Honojosa, Instigator, USA
- Jonathan gonzales Salazar, Instigator, USA
- Richard Morillo Canales, Instigator, USA
- Carlos Gonzalez Valencia, Organizer, Honduras
- Alfonso Guerrero-Ulloa, Organizer, Honduras
:: Visa/SENTRI Cancelled
- Kaji Dousa Spellman, Associate, USA
- Milton Omar Avila-Benitez, Organizer, Honduras
- Maria Garibo Garcia, Organizer, Mexico
- Rodrigo Abeja Pineda, Organizer, Mexico
:: Interview
- Jeff Valenzuela, Unknown, USA
- Ronald Jahman Dixon, N/A, Mexicoalex
- Juan Barrientos Posada, Media, USA Dossier
- Alexander Villagran Backman, Journalist, Mexico
- Elena Beth Alderman, Instigator USA
Listen to an Audio Podcast of the Show Here: (Note, Audio Podcasts are edited recordings of FB Live videos and are not necessarily what is broadcasted on the air on the radio station)
FaceBook Live Video of this Show Before Broadcasting (Note, FB Live videos are pre-recorded and then edited properly for radio Broadcasts on the air and some never air on the radio station):
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Cindy Gomez-Schempp and the truth about the Caravans
Article about missing children from Agape Shelter
Article Link Latino Rebels
Article San Diego Union Tribune
Article Link San Diego Union Tribune : https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/border-baja-california/sd-me-tijuana-central-americans-20180726-story.html