A Mexican Crossing Lines – November 28, 2018 “Migrant Caravana Updates”
Tonight on A Mexican Crossing Lines:
:: Since rushing the border
:: Conditions of the Benito Juarez deportivo shelter
:: Migrant Caravan Press Conference Highlights
:: Developments at the Mexicali and TJ shelters
:: Deportations: Myth vs. Facts
:: Stay in Mexico, Asylum in USA, Repatriation
Listen to an Audio Podcast of the Show Here: (Note, Audio Podcasts are edited recordings of FB Live videos and are not necessarily what is broadcasted on the air on the radio station)
FaceBook Live Video of this Show Before Broadcasting (Note, FB Live videos are pre-recorded and then edited properly for radio Broadcasts on the air and some never air on the radio station):
Sinclair group forces TV Stations to run segment defending gassing of migrants
Facebook News Sources:
Alfredo Alvarez: @AlfedoAlvarexMX\
Agencia Multimedios out of Nogales: @coverturadigital
El Sol de Tijuana: @ElSoldeTijuana.OEM
El Mexicano Online: @ElMexicanoOnline
Protección Civil Municipal de Tijuana: @ProteccionCivilTijuana
Frontera Info: @Frontera.info
Televisa Tijuana Oficial: @TijuanaTelevisa
TJ Viral Noticias @TJViralNoticias
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