A Mexican Crossing Lines – February 16, 2019 “Caravan Respite Rescue and Rejection”
Tonight on A Mexican Crossing Lines we discuss the most current news about the Migrant Caravan and the exploiters/activists from the US that are manipulating and exploiting Central Americans:
Covered in this show:
:: Arrests in Piedras Negras, MS-13 riots,
:: Lakota Law, Chase Iron Eyes, Nathan Phillips, and, Raymond Kingfisher
:: Butterfly Sanctuary Loses Battle,
:: Mission Texas Protests, Patricia Okoumou, and Louis Moncevias,
:: Juan P. Mancias,
:: Alfonso Guerrero Ulloa, Pueblo Sin Fronteras, Irineo Mujica,
:: Mexico City Arrests
Listen to an Audio Podcast of the Show Here: (Note, Audio Podcasts are edited recordings of FB Live videos and are not necessarily what is broadcasted on the air on the radio station)
FaceBook Live Video of this Show Before Broadcasting (Note, FB Live videos are pre-recorded and then edited properly for radio Broadcasts on the air and some never air on the radio station):
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Article GreenSource https://www.greensourcedfw.org/articles/dallas-screening-awake-native-american-resistance
Article National Butterfly Center New Exec. Direct.
VIDEO PatriciaElPaso https://www.facebook.com/patricia.okoumou.735/videos/252673592320905/
VIDEO Protest Museum (Run and shut off when told)
Article Courthouse News Service Link: https://www.courthousenews.com/texas-butterfly-sanctuary-loses-challenge-to-border-wall/
Daily Caller Article Link: https://dailycaller.com/2018/12/12/honduras-migrant-bombing-suspect/
see page 83
Popular Revolutionary Forces Lorenzo Zelaya
Check out pages 18-20.
Denuncia Pueblos Sin Fronteras Desaparición de Sus Integrantes
Article Jornada: Deportan Cueva Ramirez https://www.jornada.com.mx/ultimas/2019/02/08/deportan-a-cueva-ramirez-reportado-en-calidad-de-desaparecido-6775.html?fbclid=IwAR3uc5w6-tebB05YTSmjNRXM_9NZgUxL31IKSTDrXRj82GmQNF38V5XT-uI
VIDEO MS-13 https://www.facebook.com/873481292837534/videos/523105294844877/
Alfa Beto News Link: https://youtu.be/rkPLg8oYXy0
VIDEOS Pueblo Sin Fronteras Mexico City
VIdeo PSFDF1 https://www.facebook.com/PuebloSF/videos/358337791674473/
Video PSFDF2 https://twitter.com/i/status/1096528776626950144
Article Razon: Expatriacion pudo prevenirse
Article Mother Jones: Hundreds of Asylum Seekers sent to private prison Mississippi