A Mexican Crossing Lines – Pitaya Queen y La Caravana LGBT – En español

A Mexican Crossing Lines – November 26, 2018 “Pitaya Queen y La Caravana LGBT ”

Tonight on A Mexican Crossing Lines:

:: Pitaya Queen/OJ Queen AKA Roberto Nakay Flotte Guevara

:: Diversidad Sin Fronteras

:: Cosecha Migrante

:: Standing Rock y protesta en contra del oleoducto DAPL




español -Listen to an Audio Podcast of the Show Here: (Note, Audio Podcasts are edited recordings of FB Live videos and are not necessarily what is broadcasted on the air on the radio station)


FaceBook Live Video of this Show Before Broadcasting (Note, FB Live videos are pre-recorded and then edited properly for radio Broadcasts on the air and some never air on the radio station):


Videos LINKS:

El mero TIJUANA Video https://www.facebook.com/813021308908253/videos/302810637236507/

PITAYA QUEEN El Nativo Americano que es líder de la caravana migrante lésbico Video


Jardin de las Mariposas Video


Info Nogales – Les compartimos esta interesante entrevista Video


Versión de la activista LGBT que acompaña la caravana migrante


Primera Caravana Trans Migrante 2017 Video


Repartero Cubano: Versión de la activista LGBT que acompaña la caravana migrante https://youtu.be/Z_d7EtJIHFU


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  1. Pitaya Queen was at a Halloween campaign party of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez in New York. Wearing a bright pink wig. It was a few days before elections, then Pitaya was in Tijuana recruiting gays from the caravan at Tijuana, Mexico, where he was arguing with the citizens. Going to high class bars, hotels and gourmet food! You can find it in videos.

  2. It appears from this comment that Roberto , while staying at a $525.00 a night house inTijuana, where he was representing himself as an Honduran asylum seeker, had the money and time to fly to New York to party with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez



  1. Cindy Gómez-Schempp y la verdad sobre las caravanas - […] https://kpppfm.com/sabor-latino/a-mexican-crossing-lines-pitaya-queen-y-la-caravana-lgbt-en-espanol/ […]

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